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Putting Chicken Little in Mid instead of Shit is my hot take- a Disney animated tier list

Was talking about this shit with some mates and I had my laptop about with a blank page so why the FUCK not. It's my blog, I make the fucking rules.

For the purpose of this tier list, Pixar does not exist. It's fake news. Buzz Lightyear fucking who?

(see now I've gone after both dreamworks *and* Disney, you cant complain I'm biased)

First of all: the tier of things I haven't seen and have no intention to do so. The absolutely fucking not tier.

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A bunch of the old ones that no-one remembers are on here. Considering nobody talks about them, and they're fucking Disney, how good could they possibly be? In addition to that, we have Frozen, something I considered watching at the time, and then it got huge, and I just got sick to death of fucking seeing it everywhere. It's a universality poison, an oversaturation complex, and I absolutely have no interest in seeing us build a snowman. Can people please let this movie go already? (I think I'm very funny). Also, Dinosaur looks fucking awful (y'all know Land Before Time already existed right), and the trailers for Ralph Breaks the Internet did too. Which is a real shame, because the first one slaps. Wait that's spoilers FUCK

Anyway next is the ones I haven't seen but could possibly be convinced to.

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The classics I haven't seen live here. But it's one of those things where like, am I gonna go out of my way for this? Am I deadass gonna go sit my ass down and watch fucking Sleeping Beauty as a 22+ year old bloke? Not unless someone drags me into it. I could be more easily convinced for like, Aristocats or Great Mouse Detective, because cute animals good, but you don't have the same easy in for Aladdin or Princess and the Frog. Also, Tangled and Moana are there because like, I really cannot be bothered watching those, not my kinda jam, but if I put them in the fuck no category certain friends of mine would be quite upset.

Next is Shit Tier! Shit Tier has one member.

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Home on the Range was. A movie. A lot of the time when you talk about the really bad movies, what gets brought up is a bad film (or other property) that's just the sheer absence of good. And that is what I have to say to describe Home on the Range. A deathknell for Disney's 2D animated division, and honestly American 2D animation as a whole. I don't know how the fuck Princess and the Frog got made after this, because this movie was just genuinely devoid of anything memorable or entertaining. Man, it's just cows.

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The Bad tier has a lot more of the "absence of good" style- like, Cinderella isn't atrocious, but what does it actually have going for it? I genuinely don't remember. I only have vague memories of the Black Cauldron, but I believe the general consensus is that its Not Good. Pocahontas and Tarzan are messy and not in the fun way, and the Jungle Book is something I found exceptionally annoying as a kid. Probably because my brother likes it, nothing he likes is ever good (love you bro).

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Mid tier is mostly just shit I don't really care about one way or the other. Like, Beauty and the Beast is fiiiiiiine. I gueeesss.  I don't particularly care for Lion King either way, and please attempt to name a single thing that happened in Bambi after the mum got shot. One thing. I suppose I should attempt to explain my having Chicken Little here, even though everyone understands it's a bad movie. And yeah, it is, but this is my Nostalgia Pick. I'm allowed one of those. I really loved that movie as a kid, And I don't know why, I have no justification for this. It's not that bad, surely. I refuse to watch it again to find out.

Also The Rescuers is pretty ok? I think? I remember very little about it. But The Rescuers Down Under has a motherfucking Goanna as the villain's pet and she's gorgeous. Movie aint great apart from that but the goanna gets it a whole bunch of bonus points.

Finally, some good fucking film.

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Okay, let's run this one down the list. Big Hero 6 was pretty good? I watched most of it on the plane, but I never finished is and I sure haven't been assed to fix that yet. Wreck-it-Ralph was honestly really good, and the retro game shit was a direct target square at my face. Not top tier, but extremely solid. Hercules was a beautiful disaster, and Robin Hood was a disastrous beauty (and too many folks' furry awakening for me to be comfortable with it (says the Pokemon fan))

Hunchback is genuinely quite good, athought you really need to skip past the gargoyle bits to get the best out of it. Zootopia gets a lot of credit, goes on top tier for a lot folks, but not for me- controversial opinion, but the second half was too heavyhanded for my taste. Like, I get that you had to hammer in that metaphor for the kids, but it really did it too hard for me. Also, they really made the villain a sheep, huh. Rude.

Alice in Wonderland is a beautiful creative classic with a healthy dollop of creepy, and I have too much nostalgia for Winnie the Pooh to put it any lower than this. Fox and the Hound and Mulan are the good shit, and I don't have much more of a comment than that.

Finally, the top tier! Good movies allowed only.

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You may notice that all these movies come from that era in the 90s where they actually let the creative minds behind the 2D animation team at Disney make the things they want to? And they cranked out the best 4 movies in the entire list. Like, goddamn. Treasure Planet is a fun as fuck adventure movie that's criminally underrated and looks gorgeous, and Atlantis is just a more refined version of such (but I'm not quite as nostalgic for that one, sorry, also the second one exists). Emperor's New Groove is just, such an incredible comedy flick, holy shit, they really did the nonstandard plot framing and fourth wall humour in this one, and they did it well. And Lilo and Stitch is, again, a perfect movie. I never know what to say about those. It's so much less interesting to talk about things that don't have flaws compared to something that does. It's a perf fuckin film, fam.

And uhh, that's the lot of them. Okay, that's all the time I've got. I've got to get back to watching Shrek the Third on my friend's TV.

(it's not especially good)

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by ThatGoblin

Hazel is an Omega in the small town of Tin Springs, Midwest America. She's trying to live her life after breaking up with the local sheriff, John Walker, and his mate, Brock Rumlow. New people aren't something that happens often, but when a new pack comes to town her whole life goes from a small mess to a complete disaster in the best way.

Words: 4879, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English

Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types

Rating: Explicit

Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con

Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi

Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Helmut Zemo, Darcy Lewis, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Howard Stark, Maria Hill, Natasha Romanov, Bruce Banner, Thor, Brock Rumlow, John Walker, OFC, Peggy Carter

Relationships: Bucky Barnes/Helmut Zemo, Bucky Barnes/Helmut Zemo/OFC, Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, Clint Barton/Howard Stark, Maria Hill/Natasha Romanov, Bruce Banner/Thor, Brock Rumlow/John Walker, Brock Rumlow/John Walker/OFC

Additional Tags: small town AU, ABO, Domestic Violence, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, clint has hearing aides, himbo bucky barnes, Grooming, non con/dub con, when you don't get the right sex and then someone knows how to use their hands, zemo is perf, beta bucky and steve, everyone in steve's pack was in the military, ACAB

darcysteve love via AO3 works tagged 'Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers'

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hi frends it me ur local piece of trash

welcome to pickett's bc. i've seen this challenge at least six thousand times in the last few months and i've always wanted to do it, but have been to chicken to try. since my computer broke though i obviously have very little left in my game, so i thought why the heck not? it's a way for me to start interacting w people bc i'm a loner and also to build a new world with new unique characters i can include in future stories i love other people's sims more than my own ehehehe

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some rules.

i'll probably accept 10 or 12 sims

as per usual the rule stands at one sim per person

no occults pls

pickett is pan so boys, girls, trans and non-binary are welcome

my game is maxis-mix, but if you could keep hair and genetics maxis match that would be fantastic pls and thank

please include at least one or two outfits in each category

please also give ur sim a little bit of a backstory or write some facts about them

and write down what they're looking for from the bachelorette challenge and why they think they would be perf for bb pickett

once you've submitted your babies, pls tag pickettsbc so i can follow along

get to know pickett under the cut

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about pickett

pickett groves | young adult | goofball, clumsy, good

born in windenburg, raised in brindleton bay. girl has lived on farms her whole life

currently lives in newcrest, but intends to move out to glimmerbrook once she's achieved her dream.

personal aesthetic is a mix of cottage core/vintage/grunge. really easily influenced by some trends. including the one that convinces a person to own ten thousand plants.

has recently graduated culinary school and will woo everyone with her bomb af ratatouille. she adds a little bit of fresh butter to make it more creamy and she roasts the vegetables prior to cooking everything together. that's a secret tho shh.

aspires to own her own restaurant. currently she's sous chef for a michelin 2 star restaurant.

reads tarot cards every day so she knows how her day is going to go. she also has almanacs bc she's really into predicting fate/destiny and all that jazz

used to be the fat redheaded kid in school. proved her bullies wrong by losing hella weight and becoming successful. needs arm candy for the ten year reunion to hit the trifecta. she's still v self conscious though and often doubts herself.

genuinely loves nothing more than rainy days cuddled up with a book and a hot cup of herbal tea. otherwise she'll be outside jumping in the puddles and making a mess bc she loves that too.

ideal date is a picnic in the middle of a forest in autumn where time is spent getting to know the other person. she'll cook the food if the other person brings music and book recommendations.

aggressively does not know how to stand on two feet without falling over though. has broken toes too many times to count and has scars all over the shop from odd little accidents.

fav animal are cats. desperately wants her own, but she's allergic so life sucks for pickett at the moment.

has a bit of a vindictive streak. if someone does something she doesn't agree with or if someone hurts a person she cares about, she won't ever let it go.

fave movies are also horror movies but they gotta be good, they can't be predictable or she won't make it 10 minutes in.

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deadline is 20th january 2020. make sure you tag pickettsbc and also wistfulsim so i can keep up

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Hi! Poltergeist and magic healer for the ask game!

Magic Healer- Any pets? If so, what are they?

!! i have a little doggo i love w/ all my heart!! he's a good boy (mostly, he does love barking at unexpected moments and scare the living beejeezus out of all of us, but apart from that he's the cuddliest, sweetest baby!!!), a toy poodle just a liiiittle too large for his category technically but just right for my lap so that's :3 PERF

Poltergeist- Favorite song lyric?

oooof. you can ask me this PER SONG and don't get a definitive answer all the time..?? XD just asking from songs related to one ship would be impossible to answer, let alone one out of all songs i've ever heard!!!! hmmmm.... spontaneously i feel like naming 'singing in songs, and make spring summer' from With You In My Head, a song i listened to obsessively to calm/center myself in the past. but srsly this is NOT my actual answer as i do not have one!! XD sorryyyy

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ESG Investing in the Pokémon World

As a financial advisor (aka professional bank pimp), it seems the concept of "Sustainable Investing" has really taken hold this past year, despite being around for quite a few years. I was pondering new investment ideas and recommendations (so they can sit patiently on my desk waiting for my boss's approval) and noticed that most of them are ESG-focused. Of course.

As a Millennial (like that means anything), imagining that your investments might go towards helping someone or doing some good for the world is a key motivation. I don't mind even sacrificing some additional returns, if that means my money is being put to good use. Unfortunately, I don't really have a lot of like-minded people as Clients, so raw returns still dominate the investment sphere. But we'll get there!

I want to explain a bit what it is we call ESG – Environmental, Social and (Corporate) Governance Investing. It is a very studied and elaborated research topic that has become so convoluted that virtually any company can be qualified as ESG-passable (sigh). A company with a high ESG score means it Excels in all or one of these three key areas. The ESGest of them all, try to integrate in their daily practices some of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which range from ending world hunger to reducing inequality, climate action, etc.

I've also been replaying Pokémon Platinum (ayyy you see where this is going don't you?) – probably not, since you haven't read my previous newsletters. But anyway.

Sinnoh could really benefit a lot from some ESG-focused investing, especially in the Environmental aspect of it. The first thing that popped into my mind was the Fuego Ironworks. No, it is not related to the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest runner-up's song of choice, but rather a big warehouse-like facility harboring a huge furnace in the center of it all. If you manage to get past the arrow-one-direction-thingies leftover from the renovation of the Viridian Gym, you eventually reach this massive incinerator. Ok, so, fossil fuels are a big no-no in the battle for climate change. Hydrogen plants and renewable energies trump coal mines and similar facilities. So I would take that big chunk of investor money and shut down the Fuego Ironworks. I know what you're thinking – WHERE ELSE AM I GONNA CATCH A POKÉMON WITH FLAME BODY THIS EARLY IN THE GAME so I can hatch that perf Togepi (because what else) – but fret not, those Magmar can relocate to Stark Mountain. But uh… maybe I'd try to throw a couple of Slugma near the Lost Tower or something, so you can still hatch them eggs early on. Need a motherboard-frying Magnemite? You can now catch them in Iron Island! Have fun.

But shutting down a massive energy-producing (assumption here assumption there la la la) facility like this is BOUND to have an effect on the residents, especially for the people who live in the nearby towns – I mean where else are Floaroma residents supposed to work? Smell the flowers in the floaroma medow (which is somehow located DANGEROUSLY CLOSE TO THE IRONWORKS but ok)? Serve as night guides to wandering girls and their Chansey in Eterna Forest? Or sweat away in the Valley Windworks?

Huh? Windworks? Like an actual wind power farm? Grab 'em Pachirisu and let's go!

Seriously, the Valley Windworks would be exactly where my inflows would go. From any residual money gathered from the sale of the Ironworks, my investors could provide a massive overhaul of the windworks. We could bring specialists in from Hoenn's Weather Institute and build a ton more Teletubbies (my boyfriend's endearing nickname for those huge fan-thingies). Maybe we could even expand to hydraulics, what with that huge river flowing alongside the facility. Just imagine the drifloon! One for each doom-bearing child.

Ok great! We've managed to take action by remodeling the energy supply from the area, effectively diminishing its carbon emissions while preserving the citizens' quality of life. For me that qualified as a big E investment! And maybe our work wouldn't stop here, if you've got a few cents in your pocket imagine if we could harness the energy from Mt. Coronet! With cares not to disturb any dimensional beings or pseudo-gods. Just a thought.

Miss Moving On is a song by Fifth Harmony. Next we have the "Social" aspect of ESG investing. This would be the category where you would find the community-improving or demographic and populational aiding aspects. Infrastructures, accessibility, any and every thing that could better a population's daily routine and ensure its sustainability for generations to come. So which issues plague Sinnoh residents? I can think of a few – weird people with bowl-shaped haircuts stealing Pokémon, people-swallowing marshes, freakin' SELFDESTRUCTING ROCKS (née Geodude) and the occasional time/space distortions from the odd attempt at creating new universes.

Well let's not go overboard with our intervention, we cannot hope to solve ALL problems plaguing our beloved residents. Let's start with a simple issue. Little Timmy loves everything related to boats. Boats boats boats and sometimes ships – so he loves going to Sunyshore City, to see the Lighthouse. He goes whenever he can - he swears one time he even had a date with a girl who was visiting with her Ampharos! Legend has it for him it was love at first sight. But she had a ship to catch, bound for her hometown region. So they agreed to meet that very night, before she departed. She waited and waited, but Timmy never came. With tears in her eyes, the girl was last seen boarding the ship, never to return…

Dang it Timmy! Why did you do that?

Well… the thing is, Timmy tried. Timmy lives in Solaceon town and works for the local newspaper. So on that afternoon, after collecting his heart scales, he cheerfully got on his bike and began pedaling, heading to meet his lover. But there is no direct route from Solaceon to Sunyshore – Solaceon is pretty much isolated where it stands, one has to either go North trough Veilstone or face the marshes of the south through Pastoria, to finally traverse route 222 to the city.

Since a bike would sink pretty hard on the bog, Timmy rode North. He got drenched in rain before reaching Veilstone, though – forcing him to change clothes in the city before carrying on. Oh and he claims to have also had an encounter with a couple of Psyduck which seemed pretty checked out… I assume Misty rammed her bike into one. After leaving the city, he just had to face – I'm sorry, am I reading this correctly, inexistent participant – "hellhounds". Um… ok… Timmy is a BIG Supernatural fan (Destiel FTW). But he finally made it to the Hotel Grand Lake – the last rest stop before reaching Sunyshore. His legs were already tired, and he was sweatin' bullets, but his spirits were high as a Staravia!

"I'm sorry sir but Route 222 is closed until further notice, due to the occurrence of a blackout".

Aaaand that was the end of Timmy's love story. Don't feel bad for him, I hear he went on to win a Pulitzer from his work on exposing the Ditto sex trafficking scheme.

Maybe if Timmy had been a little faster on his route, he could've avoided the blackout altogether, it is just such a long stretch of Sinnoh to traverse…

Like Timmy, many residents who work in East Sinnoh face this issue in their daily commute – the lack of viable connections. So where could we begin to tackle this subject?

Well I heard of a guy who has been trying to dig a tunnel from Route 2014, to Solaceon Town, all by himself! Must be tough, Excadrill weren't even invented back then…

Maybe our kind investors could give him a hand with their funds! We could make the efforts go faster and more smoothly, maybe even establish some underground ferry mechanism to aid in the crossover. Create a separate entrance, so people wouldn't have to disturb the Unown. The newly crafted pathway would sure come in handy for travelers, maybe even helping in dynamizing Solaceon or Celestic Town with tourists staying at the Hotel Grand Lake! Seems like a somewhat simple-enough project for us to tackle.

So we basically identified a necessity, designed a way to overcome said necessity and then implemented it – thus creating sustainable impact!

Fantastic! Stunning!

Speaking of stunning – hrm, our efforts might be a bit derailed if these "blackouts" continue. Maybe someone could go have a chat with Volkner, to stop experimenting with the power grid? Perhaps Flint could help, I hear they get along quite well… Does he even have a license to tinker with the mechanisms? What, imaginary voice? You don't need one in Sinnoh? So you mean I can just connect my Raichu to a generator and power my entire 12-story building?

That seems… unlawful. Couldn't we do something to change that? Well, we could write a strong-worded letter to the lawmakers of Sinnoh, urging them to pass legislation on these activities. Maybe even use our leftover funds to raise enough awareness on this issue, so we could enact this change in policy! Wow, that's what I call putting the G in Governance.

Random segway aside, that is exactly what the last letter in ESG is meant to state – policy, rules, means of internal conduct and culture that an organization runs with. And apart from Volkner's constant need to reinvent his contraptions, there is a topic on which we can praise Sinnoh – gender equality.

Now, we recognize that we don't know the details, but let's assume Gym Leaders are paid equally, as not to have poor shivering Candice earning 70 cents on the poke-dollar, compared to Byron's wage. 4 female and 4 male gym leaders comprise Sinnoh's gym challenge. 50/50, nice message to relay. Ok fine, if we only look at the number and don't analyze much else, we can give Sinnoh a passing grade on this one… what about the Elite Four?

The Elite Four is also comprised of 2 male and 2 female members. Wow, nicely thought out. And Cynthia is given enough screen time to actually be a fleshed out character, even appearing in several generations. She is, after all, in my opinion, the toughest Champion the Player is required to face.

But other generations don't really follow suit – the list of League Champions or Elite Four members is comprised mostly of men… In these regions perhaps some gender diversity or inclusion metrics could be put in place, starting with getting each of them to affirm their stance and compromise with ending gender inequality in the League Challenge!

For that, I guess we'll have to take that same ship and sail away to another region, with the sure knowledge that (maybe) we managed to help Sinnoh inch a little closer to a sustainable future!

Your ESG-type Trainer,

                                                                                                 -João A. (Pachiren)

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My hot takes on queendom that no one asked for

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1st round:

1. AOA: they did what they had to do. Performing miniskirt as 5 for the 1st time wasnt an easy taske but they slayed bc they are pros. And the hoeism jumped out i couldnt handle it. What strike me is the hardwork and the subtulity in some moves (the professionnalisme ugh), those little details are out of this world. They didnt deserve the 4th place for sure (the perf in one shot show some minus mistake but still). The house was brought down! Queen of sexy concept.

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2. Middle eastern queens g-idle: the latata remix was good. The intro was very impactful. Latata is a hit so

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3. Mamaracist: they were good and could lead the public. Overall if you think 2 seconds the dancers kindoff looked cheap.

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4. Oh My girl:

omg were being themless and showed the power of their fairy concept. The vocals i tell yall ugh. One miss from them was putting themless into the competition they went alone without backup dancers and all the shit to compete. But they still slayed.

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5. Park bom: the choir and all were beautiful but it didnt do much to me i wont lie. It wasnt it.

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6. Lovelyz : they totally missed the shot. We live in the stigma of cute concept is an easy concept and girl crush is the only way to show power... nonsense. And achoo is in no way in this world suited in this category. They should have gone all the cute! Vomiting rainbows and farting confettis going all the way in people face! Hélas...

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